Book Reviews: Chinese Global Exploration in the Pre-Columbian Era: Evidence From an Ancient World Map |
By Sheng-Wei Wang |
January 1, 2024 |
287 reads |
In the book, Dr. Wang thoroughly and rigorously investigates over 500 geographical items and dozens of annotations depicted on a rare and precious ancient Chinese world map named Kunyu Wanguo Quantu《坤舆万国全图》or Complete Geographical Map of All the Kingdoms of the World. The map is also known as Map of the Ten Thousand Countries of the Earth, or Great Universal Geographic Map. The map was published in 1602 in China by Italian missionary Matteo Ricci. 【Full Story】
Chinese Global Exploration in the Pre-Columbian Era: Evidence From an Ancient World Map |
By Sheng-Wei Wang |
November 1, 2023 |
320 reads |
How early did the Chinese explore the world? Did the Treasure Fleets, led by Admiral Zheng He, discover many parts of the world before Christopher Columbus? While it is known that Christopher Columbus discovered America and Europe ushered in the Age of Discovery, there is an ongoing debate on the "unknown" areas depicted in Western maps from the period and earlier. There is agreement among scholars that certain areas seem to have been mapped out prior to the arrival of Western explorers. 【Full Story】
Asiatic Echoes - The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing, 3rd edition |
By John A. Ruskamp, Jr. |
April 1, 2022 |
592 reads |
This book introduces previously unrecognized ancient written evidence that in pre-Columbian times multiple intellectual exchanges took place between Asiatic and North American populations. 【Full Story】
The Last Journey of the San Bao Eunuch, Admiral Zheng He |
By Sheng-Wei Wang |
December 1, 2019 |
1435 reads |
China's early exploration of America, Zheng He, Gavin Menzies, treasure fleet, voyage, navigation, Atlantic Ocean, Fengdu, Cahokia mounds, Ricci's 1602 World Map (Kunyu Wanguo Quantu
), 1418 Chinese World Map, Ma Huan. An Account of the Western World Voyage of the San Bao Eunuch (《三宝太监西洋记》), Luo Maodeng (罗懋登) 【Full Story】
Through American Eyes: The Journals (18 May 1859-1 September 1860) of George Washington (Farley) Heard (1837-1874) |
By Edited by Gillian Bickley |
August 1, 2019 |
1049 reads |
Travelling out in 1859 to join his uncle’s then successful trading house, Augustine Heard & Co., George was hired on shipboard by fellow-passenger John E. Ward, the American Minister tasked with the ratification of the American-Chinese treaty. 【Full Story】
The Changing Giants: The U.S. and China |
By Ifay F. Chang |
May 1, 2017 |
1508 reads |
The U.S. and China are the world’s two major countries undergoing rapid changes. If you follow the media, you will find that the U.S.-China relation has swung from worse to better, and better to worse in the past few years while each has been changing politically and economically. 【Full Story】
Kat Vespucci Takes Taiwan (English-Chinese Bilingual Edition) |
By Ingrid Anders Translator Ching-sung Chin |
February 1, 2015 |
1907 reads |
Ingrid Anders, a DC Public Library employee and author of the Kat Vespucci series, and translator Ching-sung Chin have spoken on December 16, 2014, 【Full Story】
The Gold Story - 1949 |
By Sing-yung Wu Translator Sheng-Wei Wang |
September 1, 2014 |
2670 reads |
Author Sing-yung Wu (Wu Xingyong) obtained a Ph.D. in Experimental Pathology at the University of Washington, Seattle, (in 1969) and a medical doctor degree at Johns Hopkins University (in 1972). 【Full Story】
Asiatic Echoes: The Identification of Chinese Pictograms in North American Rock Writing, 2nd Edition |
By John A. Ruskamp, Jr. |
December 1, 2013 |
2353 reads |
For centuries, researchers have been debating if, in pre-Columbian times, meaningful exchanges between the indigenous peoples of Asia and the Americas might have taken place. 【Full Story】
China Dawn (Chinese) |
By Robert L.(ipscomb) Duncan Translator Wendy Liu |
June 1, 2009 |
3922 reads |
China Dawn’s plot is built around three main characters, beginning in Shanghai, China, in the early 1930s: a young American diplomat just starting out in Shanghai; a young Japanese woman who escaped poverty at home to Shanghai; a young Japanese military officer serving in Shanghai. 【Full Story】