China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc. |
11/01/2024 No. 209
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Website Introduction  
This website aims at improving the Sino-U.S. relations and promoting peace between the mainland and Taiwan. It is published at a critical juncture in Chinese and American history when both countries can celebrate a fruitful mutual engagement, yet face some uncertainties for their long-term interactions.
It is run by the China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc., which was founded in Northern California in September 2006 by Dr. Sheng-Wei Wang, a scholar, writer and media figure. The site will host monthly web publications by invited experts on major China-U.S. issues and related Taiwan topics. Forums and book publications are planned as the website further expands in the future.
New Articles  
11/01/2024   China and the West: commercial pragmatism versus political resistance
By Kari McKern
Calvin Coolidge once remarked, “From a business perspective, the reasoning is straightforward: China delivers.” Tesla’s Shanghai Gigafactory stands as a testament to this, producing hundreds of thousands of electric vehicles annually. Chinese firms like BYD and CATL lead in renewable energy and electric vehicle sectors, illustrating how partnerships with China are driven by practical needs rather than ideology.
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11/01/2024   Clarifying copyright for AI-generated works is vital
By Wong Kam-Fai
The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), is having a profound impact on various creative fields. GenAI can produce not just static creations like text, comics and paintings but also dynamic works such as songs and videos. The advent of GenAI has emerged as a fabulously productive tool for the creative industry.
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11/01/2024   Kishore Mahbubani: China’s ‘wiser’ long-term strategy paves way to No. 1 world power
By Dewey Sim
You’ve predicted that the geopolitical contest between the US and China is set to intensify and stretch beyond the next decade. However, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan just visited China and a call between Presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden is expected soon. Are these exchanges a signal that things are looking up?
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In this publication, we offer 1) “Kishore Mahbubani: China’s ‘wiser’ long-term strategy paves way to No. 1 world power” by Dewey Sim; 2) “Clarifying copyright for AI-generated works is vital” by Wong Kam-Fai; and 3) “China and the West: commercial pragmatism versus political resistance” by Kari McKern.


In the Music Section, we have Teresa Teng's classic songs and more:






【華府國建聯誼會研討會活動第一次新聞稿】   Sent by Ching-Sung Chin   (金慶松)  


華府國建聯誼會訂於2024112日(週六)上午八時三十分至下午四時十分,假馬里蘭大學學院公園(College Park)校區舉辦學術研討會,今年研討會的主題是「現代科技與智慧社區的創新趨勢」(Innovation Trends in Modern Technology and Smart Communities),邀請台美的專家學者來發表論文及討論最新的相關發展。






期待這次研討會能對台灣的產學界拋磚引玉,並建立持續交流、觀摩、合作的平台。有意報名此研討會活動者,請逕電子郵件至華府國建聯誼會;或是擔任當天的志工人員,請發簡訊至301-370-6889 陳熙芙。


日期:11/2/2024(週六)8:30AM - 4:10PM

地點:University of Maryland/Frank Auditorium/1524 Van Munching Hall

地址:7699 Mowatt Ln, College Park, Maryland 20742














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Dr. Sheng-Wei Wang, President
China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc.
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