04/01/2024 No. 202
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
December 1, 2010

In this publication, we offer 1) “The social exchange” by Danny H. Wang; and 2) “Analyzing the quantitative easing policy” by Yishan Xin. 


We are near the end of the year 2010. Just as I finish this writing, the Korean Peninsula gets very intense. Now all parties need wisdom and self-restraint to calm down the dire situation.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Let us work hard toward a better 2011 than 2010.


Email from Godfree Roberts, Ed.D., Cobb, California, USA


Dear Friends of China,


Being weary of negative news about China in the U.S. media, I have started a blog devoted solely to good news:  www.inpraiseofchina.com.


Before I launch it into a poorly-informed world, would you be so kind as to circulate it amongst your members and ask them to forward their criticisms and suggestions to me?


Please encourage them to be (brutally) frank about every aspect of the site.  I would prefer that the initial onslaught come from informed friends.  That will make uninformed attacks much easier to bear and, perhaps, to avoid.


Should your members feel inclined, I am receptive to guest articles and announcements, especially about subjects outside my areas of expertise: a broad field indeed!


If any of your members are interested in translating the blog for local audiences, please let me know.  Perhaps this can turn into an international collaboration.  It is high time that the positive side of China became more widely known and appreciated.


Thank you for any help you can extend.


Answer from the Editor


I'll list your website as a new link from www.chinausfriendship.com starting from 12/01/2010, and also mention it in our News/Events Section.

www.inpraiseofchina.com is a very interesting website with the good intention of trying to understand the positive side of China…I am glad that we are all thinking positively about the US-China relations; we need to do so dearly.


Email from Randy Rambo from University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hawaii, USA


Ni hao Professor Wang!,


Thank you for creating China's Ascendancy, Opportunity or Threat?  I began reading your book to my father during our regular coffee and study time this morning.  Your text has an interesting format and is fun to read.


As a background note, I had the opportunity to visit China for 53 days this past summer 2010 as a participant in the University of Hawaii at Hilo, China-US Relations Masters Program (CHUS), CHUS 680: Chinese Study Culture Tour class.  As participants, we got to stay at Beida (Peking University) for two weeks in the dorms, visit many cultural sites and cities including Xian, and teach English to Chinese high school students in a small town of 500,000 in Jiande Xinan Jiang Zhejiang.  The experience was very good.


My professor, John Hsueh-li Cheng is promoting the 24th annual tour this coming summer too. Perhaps I will get a chance to return to China again.  "Wo ai Zhongguo!"


So, keep up the great work.  As a scholar, you are an inspiration to us!


Xiexie ni!,


Answer from Sheng-Wei Wang


Dear Randy,


Thank you very much for your interest in my book and your kind compliments. We are at a low point of the US-China relations of the Obama administration. But I am optimistic that the situation will turn better if we aim to have peace and harmony between the two superpowers.

Enjoy your future stay in China and wish that you will write articles of your experiences there. I'll be happy to publish your work on www.ChinaUSFriendship.com... 

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