China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc. |
02/01/2025 No. 212
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Website Introduction  
This website aims at improving the Sino-U.S. relations and promoting peace between the mainland and Taiwan. It is published at a critical juncture in Chinese and American history when both countries can celebrate a fruitful mutual engagement, yet face some uncertainties for their long-term interactions.
It is run by the China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc., which was founded in Northern California in September 2006 by Dr. Sheng-Wei Wang, a scholar, writer and media figure. The site will host monthly web publications by invited experts on major China-U.S. issues and related Taiwan topics. Forums and book publications are planned as the website further expands in the future.
New Articles  
02/01/2025   Global order in flux: What Trump’s return could mean for trade, allies, and the Middle East
By Kaswar Klasra
The re-emergence of Donald Trump in the American political landscape has reignited discussions surrounding his “America First” policy, a hallmark of his leadership. This policy, which initially focused on reshaping America’s economic and foreign
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02/01/2025   Jimmy Carter: An exemplary Christian, exceptional American, and a voice of conscience
By Peter T. C. Chang
An exemplary Christian and an exceptional American, President Jimmy Carter, who passed on last month, embodied the moral conscience of the world. His enduring legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.
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02/01/2025   Trump signals he will start pushing for a new world order in first 100 days
By Stefan Wolff
Donald Trump’s return to the White House on January 20 2025 is widely seen as ushering in a period of significant upheaval for US foreign policy, and a change in the way diplomacy is done.
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In this publication, we offer 1) “Trump signals he will start pushing for a new world order in first 100 days” by Stefan Wolff; 2) “Jimmy Carter: An exemplary Christian, exceptional American, and a voice of conscience” by Peter T. C. Chang; and 3) “Global order in flux: What Trump’s return could mean for trade, allies, and the Middle East” by Kaswar Klasra.


In the Music Section, we have Teresa Carpio singing songs:




2/3 第二四〇回「寫···聚」



為了鼓勵寫作閱讀、磨練評論技巧、欣賞多元意見、提升寫作能力,「寫···聚」將於2/3 舉行第二四〇回聚會。







1/20 第二三九回「寫···聚」由金大俠主持,六人與會,閲評了四篇文友的創作。小說<第二十三章 文斯>巧妙地交織了多條情節線,展現出角色之間的情感與互動,兄妹對話、師生日常,文字流暢而富有幽默感,讓讀者能輕鬆融入故事。人物對話真實且生動,情感表達細膩,尤其是對於秘密、責任和期待的刻畫相當到位;部分對話稍顯冗長,或可精簡以避免拖慢情節進展;對男主角突然邀約旅行的反應可以再多些細膩描寫,例如內心的掙扎或期待,讓情節更有層次。<海明威和他的《太阳照常升起》>以生動流暢的筆觸呈現了海明威及其代表作《太陽照常升起》的舞台再現與文學背景,文思縝密,條理清晰,不僅展示了原作的精神內核,更將舞台藝術與文學深度融合,令人耳目一新;信息量豐富,篇幅較長,或可分段處理以增強可讀性,或可增加小標題,幫助讀者快速抓住各段主旨,如「劇場呈現」、「文學背景」、「海明威生平」等。<巴黎塞納河心靈之旅>以細膩的文字描繪了巴黎塞納河沿岸的歷史、人文與自然景觀,結合作者的親身體驗,展現了一場動人心弦的心靈之旅。文章層次分明,語言流暢,將讀者帶入如畫般的場景之中,尤其是對於歷史與文化的細膩刻畫,使人深刻感受到巴黎的迷人魅力與豐富內涵;或可加入更多個人情感或當下的心理感受,讓讀者更有共鳴。<雅敍結書緣>溫暖的筆調,描繪了三位編輯克服種種困難編書的過程,不僅展現團隊默契與努力,也感念文友與前輩的支持與指導,感人至深,充滿文學情懷,並啟發讀者珍惜生命中的相遇與緣分;部分段落稍顯冗長,可適當分段,增強閱讀流暢性。在逝者的部分,可增添一兩句對她生前影響的回憶,讓情感更為深刻。【參與者九人:黃、魯、葉、戴、蕭、雷、陳、韓、金】

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Dr. Sheng-Wei Wang, President
China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc.
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