07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
October 1, 2010

In this publication, we offer “Towards democracy of the twenty-first century ──discussion on China’s road of political reform: optimization, innovation and beyond” by Zhongjia Pang. We wish this article will shed light on China’s political reform and we invite you to enter your comments at the end of this article or email us directly your comments to Curra888@126.com.


We are happy to announce that recently we have given reprint permission to the Chinese magazine Development Frontier (《发展前沿》), an internal publication of the Guangdong Research Association of Productivity Development, China (中国广东生产力发展研究会). In addition, the Chinese American Forum (CAF) also received our permission to reprint the article “Asymmetrical Regionalism: China, Southeast Asia and Uneven Development” by Professor Mark Beeson, published on www.ChinaUSFriendship.com, September 1, 2010.


We welcome your sending in your articles to Curra888@126.com and are open to your suggestions.

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