07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
October 1, 2015

In this publication, we offer 1) “In leading the Asian Investment Bank, China should learn to accept criticisms and make compromises “ by China Review News Agency; and 2) “Shanghai to Beijing by high-speed train: video guide” by an American tourist.


In the Music Section, we have “Chrysanthemum Flower Bed'' duet by Cao Chen (cello) and Cao Dewei (erhu), conducted by Guan Naizhongby Ma Xiahui (曹臣 大提琴,曹德維 二胡, 二重奏 - 《菊花台》,中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團伴奏,關乃忠指揮):





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