07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
February 1, 2014

January 31, 2014, is the Chinese Lunar New Year Day. It starts the Year of the Horse!


In this publication, we offer 1) “Geo-Relation and Civilization: Establishing China’s Common-Sense Understanding on Central Asia (II)” by Professor Zan Tao; and 2) “TED Talk: The Dilemma of Capitalism--Eric X. Li: A Tale of Two Political Systems.”


In the Music Section, we have The Olive Tree sung by Chyi Yu (齊豫, 橄欖樹)”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrjQmZ8t8nQ


作詞是已故作家三毛    作曲則是音樂家李泰祥


不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方 为什甚流浪 流浪远方 流浪

为了天空飞翔的小鸟 为了山间轻流的小溪 为了宽阔的草原 流浪远方 流浪

还有还有 为了梦中的橄榄树橄榄树 不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方

为什么流浪 为什么流浪远方 为了我梦中的橄榄树

为了天空飞翔的小鸟 为了山间轻流的小溪 为了宽阔的草原 流浪远方 流浪

还有还有 为了梦中的橄榄树橄榄树 不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方

为什么流浪 为什么流浪远方 为了我梦中的橄榄树


Don't ask from where I have come

My home is far, far away

Why do you wander so far

Wander so far, wander so far

For the little bird flying in the sky

For the blue brook running in the mountain

For the broad meadow green and wide

I wander, wander so far

Then, is there more?

Yes, for the Olive tree of my dream

Don't ask from where I have come

My home is far, far away

Why do you wander?

Why do you wander so far?

Far, far away

For the Olive tree of my dream

Don't ask from where I have come

My home is far, far away

Why do you wander so far

Wander so far, wander so far


Professor Peter C. Chieh (揭鈞) forwards us the following link:


仁安羌大捷知多少?”:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/3833088187


This new link is an extension of his latest work “Hidden Agenda Over Diaoyu Islands: http://www.chinausfriendship.com/article1.asp?mn=343; and “釣魚島問題的暗算和隱憂”: http://www.chinausfriendship.com/chinese/article1.asp?mn=248




Mr.  Yi-Cheng Chang wrote this article to share with our readers:


Seriousness, Dream and Realization


I attended the press release by the World Journal in Los Angeles area on Dec 6, 2013, for its publication of 31 new books in 2013.  This is the third time it organized the “Let’s Write a Book” program.  Over a dozen authors were present and made speeches telling how and why they wrote the books.  Mr. James Guo, president of World Journal in L.A. made opening remarks.  He said that many people have dreams of writing books.  Now they can realize their dreams.  The following is the draft of my speech.


Thanks to the World Journal for organizing this meaningful event of “Let’s Write a Book.”  Thanks to Ms. Ivonne Tsai’s help and that of her colleagues.  Finally I have published this book On Life Insurance Frankly and Truthfully.  I believe that, out of so many authors, I am the most difficult author to deal with.  Originally my book contained only 150 to 200 pages.  But I kept adding more content, until it reached almost 1,000 pages.  Ms. Tsai had to order me to stop; otherwise it would not be completed on time for this event.


When I was a kid, I did not have any dream of publishing a book.  I liked to play but did not study hard and practice my hand writing.  My literature and language subject only earned a score of 65.  Actually it should be only 58.  But the teacher gave me a few more points as an encouragement.  At one home visit, the teacher told me: “It is not important to have beautiful hand writing.  But it is imperative to write every stroke carefully.  Do it seriously.  Cross all t’s, dot all i’s, so that others understand what you write.” “Do it seriously” by the teacher had great impact on my life, and let me realize I need to do everything seriously with heart and mind.  So, I need to be serious in eating my meal and brushing my teeth; in walking and driving; in being a person and doing anything; in working and writing articles.  Often I need to make corrections and modifications eight or ten times before I finish one article. There is a saying:  “A teacher is an engineer of the human soul.”  This is quite true.  Being serious, as the teacher advised, shaped my growing up and led me to success.  Only being serious can turn dreams into real success and accomplishment.


I was good at science but poor in language and literature.  Since I have to be serious in being a person and in doing things, I made a determination when I was at the first year in high school to tackle language and literature.  By the second year of high school, my composition was posted in the class as praise.  This is another encouragement by the teacher.  Since then I started my interest in writing.  At first I wrote short articles of only two or three hundred words.  Later I write long articles and essays.


In Hong Kong, I developed a very scientific and effective method to teach swimming.  Normally it only takes one person a few hours, some even just over one hour, to learn and then they can swim several tens of meters.  I published a booklet about my method. At that time, there was no videotaping, no DVD.  Everything was shown in print.  Now I hope I can find a collaborator to produce a high quality DVD, to promote my quick learning method for beginning swimmers in China, to help a large number of Chinese learn to swim quickly, popularize aquatic sports and raise the sports level in China.   The proceeds I get from this promotion project will be donated to poor students and schools.


I somehow entered an insurance career in the USA.  I discovered that the Chinese not only had no understanding of insurance, but also had a lot of misconceptions.  Then I started to write educational articles on the subject of insurance.  I used the Q & A format at the beginning.  Later I expanded into different formats, including storytelling and professional discussion.  I aimed for one article a week, thus over 40 articles a year.  In 2007, I published On Life Insurance Frankly and Truthfully in Beijing.  Now the World Journal has helped me publish this work, containing 180 articles, almost 1,000 pages and over 500,000 words, broken down into two volumes.  The main target of the first volume is ordinary people; but life insurance professionals should read it too.  The main target of the second volume is life insurance professionals; but ordinary people can read it as well.  Therefore on the covers of both volumes is written:  “Good to read if you have no insurance; must read if you already have insurance; absolutely have to read if you are in the insurance business.”  On the surface, I talk about insurance in these two volumes.  Actually I use this subject to talk about my ideology and realm of lofty thought.


I want to thank my colleagues and the students of my workshop of “The Art and Career of Life Insurance”, who are wearing the champion T-Shirt to support this event.  What is a champion?  When our clients recognize we are the best agents for them, and view us as their friends, then we are the champions in their eyes.


Once again, thanks to the World Journal and to all of you.


Yi-Cheng Chang, 12-06-2013; wiseachang@yahoo.com

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