Happy 2014!
January 31, 2014, is the Chinese Lunar New Year Day. It is the Year of the Horse!
In this publication, we offer 1) “Geo-relation and Civilization: Establishing China’s Common-Sense Understanding on Central Asia (I)” by Professor Zan Tao; and 2) “The World’s Most Quoted Social Word ‘Xiaosan’ and US-China Relationship” by Dr. Ifay Chang.
In the Music Section, we have “Chinese New Year Music - Full of Joy (Xi Yang Yang, 喜洋洋)” performed by the Shanghai National Music Orchestra (上海民族乐团): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ojJsctMAqU
H. S. Shen forwarded us the following link:
American students made this movie.
You can tell they are 20 year olds. (才二十歲美國學生拍的!)
Alan Mi also sent in his comment and link to us:
Asian Fortune is a monthly English newspaper for Asian Americans, with circulation of 35,000 in VA, DC and MD plus online publication.
For the video clip of the sketch, see link in the Comments below my 1st op-ed piece:
Why did I write another one piece? The moral wrong has not righted yet; justice in the court morality has not been served yet. The bullying is going to continue without us staking out our NO NO NO NO NO! Asian Americans as the voiceless, defenseless, feeble and meek middle child in this society have to dare to stand up and say, "enough is enough", (and "not enough is not enough" - on the part of ABC / Kimmel), We need to learn to come to the table to negotiate and not simply just settle for getting pushed around and picked on left and right; we have been missing from that table all along!
Alan Mi
Alan Mi’s other article “Why Asians won’t just move on after genocide joke” can be read at http://www.chinausfriendship.com/article1.asp?mn=387