07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
September 1, 2013

In this publication, we offer 1) “Get Ready for the Next China” by Professor Stephen S. Roach; and 2) “Tokyo Should Learn from Berlin” by Professor Peter Chung Chieh.


In the Music Section, we have the Tibet song and dance “Sons and Daughters of the Rainbow” (藏族歌舞《彩虹儿女》) sung by Basang (巴桑) and Tsewang Dorjie (泽旺多吉): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVA3FCBJWzU




Physics Professor Chung-Yuan Kung (貢中元) emailed us his impressive digital art work to share with more readers.




Professor Kung was Director of Institute of Optoelectronics at National Chung Hsing University (所長-國立中興大學光電研究所) from 2006-2009.


You may view more of his art work through the following websites of Rhema International Art Co., Ltd. (銳瑪國際藝術有限公司). His contact phone numbers are: 925-284-1924 (US) and 886-4-22850359 (Taiwan). His professional oil prints are for sale for interested art collectors:






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