07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
December 1, 2012

In this publication, we offer 1) “China is Okay” by Stephen S. Roach; and 2) “Tsunami Debris Demonstrates How Early People Crossed the Pacific” by Charlotte Harris Rees.


In the Music Section, we have "99 Bends in the Yellow River" jointly sung by three talented folk song singers Abao, Gao Baoli, and Shi Zhanming from Shanxi Province (《天下黄河九十九道弯》, 三位山西原生态高手阿宝、高保利、石占明联袂演唱): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb3e7gYIba0




Enlightening Talk on the Founding of the Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School


The Washington Chinese Literary Society (WCLS) has hosted its monthly program on Saturday, November 17, at the Twinbrook Library in Rockville, Maryland, on the founding of the Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School, DC area's first Chinese Immersion school (www.washingtonyuying.org)


The guest speaker Mr. Jonathan Henry shared with the audiences bilingual learning model, difficulties that foreigners have in learning Chinese, the history and philosophy of the Yu Ying School, how Mandarin was the chosen language, past struggles, and present challenges the school is still facing.  Questions and answers followed the presentation.  Refreshments were served.


Jonathan Henry is the Director of Development at Yu Ying.  He graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a BA in Political Science, a BA in English and a minor in Chinese Language and History. Following graduation, he lived in China for a year and a half, where he studied Mandarin and taught English and business English courses at the Huzhou Vocational Technical College.  Upon his return to the United States, he accepted a job with Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., that works with low income and recent immigrants from Asia.


For more information about WCLS’s future program, please see www.freewebs.com/wcls or email Chin at chin8673@yahoo.com

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