07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
July 1, 2012

In this publication, we offer 1) “Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of China (A TED Presentation)” by Martin Jacques; and 2) “Can China Provide the World with Another Cultural Paradigm?” by Professor Yongnian Zheng.


In the Music Section, we have Chrysanthemum Flower Bed (Ju Hua Tai 菊花台; Composer: Jay Chou 周杰倫; Lyricist: Vincent Fang 方文山) sung by the Men's Choir of the Chinese Armed Police: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPu23oRRUI8&feature=related


Lyrics http://www.absolutelyrics.com/lyrics/view/jay_chou/ju_hua_tai_%28chrysanthemum_flower_bed%29)


ni de lei guang rou ruo zhong dai shang

The light from your tears carries a bit of hurt in the delicateness.


can bai de yue wan wan gou zhu guo wang

The deathly pale curved moon hooked to the past.


ye tai man chang ning jie cheng le shuang

The night is too long, forming into frost.


shi shui zai ge lou shang bing leng de jue wang

Who is in the attic? The ice-cold hopelessness.


yu qing qing dan zhu hong se de chuang

The rain lightly rebounds off the vermilion red window.


wo yi sheng zai zhi shang bei feng chui luan

My whole life on the paper has been blown into a mess by the wind.


meng zai yuan fang hua cheng yi l? xiang

The dream is in the distance. Changes into a trace of fragrance.


sui feng piao san ni de mo yang

With the wind, dispersing your appearance.


ju hua can man di shang ni de xiao rong yi fan huang

The chrysanthemum flower is ruined. Hurt all over the ground. Your smile has already turned yellow.


hua luo ren duan chang wo xin shi jing jing tang

The flowers fall, people are heartbroken. My worries quietly dripping.


bei feng luan ye wei yang ni de ying zi jian bu duan

The north wind is disorderly. The night is not finished yet. Your shadow cannot be cut.


tu liu wo gu dan zai hu mian cheng shuang

Leaving me with loneliness. On the surface of the lake, becoming a couple.


hua yi xiang wan piao luo le can lan

The flower, it is already night fall. Floating downwards glittering.


diao xie de shi dao shang ming yun bu kan

Languishing in the way of the world. Fate cannot bear.


chou mo du jiang qiu xin chai liang ban

Sad, don't cross the river. Heart and Autumn broken into two halves.


pa ni shang bu liao an yi bei zi yao huang

I'm scared you can't get to shore. Faltering for a lifetime.


shui de jiang shan ma ti sheng kuang luan

Whose country? The sound of horse's hooves is hysterical.


wo yi shen de rong zhuang hu xiao cang sang

I'm wearing martial attire. Roaring with the convulsions of nature.


tian wei wei liang ni qing sheng de tan

The sky is slightly light. You softly sigh.


yi ye chou chang ru ci wei wan

Melancholy in one night. Such suave and moving.


* ju hua can man di shang ni de xiao rong yi fan huang

The chrysanthemum flower is ruined. Hurt all over the ground. Your smile has already turned yellow.


hua luo ren duan chang wo xin shi jing jing tang

The flowers fall, people are heartbroken. My worries quietly dripping.


bei feng luan ye wei yang ni de ying zi jian bu duan

The north wind is disorderly. The night is not finished yet. Your shadow cannot be cut.


tu liu wo gu dan zai hu mian cheng shuang

Leaving me with loneliness. On the surface of the lake, becoming a couple.


(Repeat *)


Chinese Lyrics ( http://www.chinese-mp3.com/lyrics/131.html)

词:方文山       曲:周杰伦


你的泪光 柔弱中带伤


夜太漫长 凝结成了霜


雨轻轻弹 朱红色的窗


梦在远方 化成一缕香


菊花残 满地伤


花落人断肠 我心事静静淌

北风乱 夜未央


徒留我孤单 在湖面成双

花已伤完 飘落了灿烂


愁莫渡江 秋心拆两半

怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃

谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱

我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑

天微微亮 你轻声的叹


菊花残满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄

花落人断肠 我心事静静淌

被风乱 夜未央


徒留我孤单 在湖面成双

菊花残满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄

花落人断肠 我心事静静淌

北风乱 夜未央


徒留我孤单 在湖面成双

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