01/01/2025 No. 211
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
April 1, 2012

In this publication, we offer 1) “Ideological and Cultural Influences of China on Korea and Japan (II) --- Another Chapter to Reading the Mirrors of History” by Cheng-li Lu; and 2) “The Shitai Story: A Documentary of Visiting the AiXin Assisted Educational Program in Shitai” by Xiao-Hua Guo and Lu Lijuan.

In the Music Section, we have the Dreaming of Home and Mother (1951, composer: Dr. John P. Ordway (1824-1880), 长亭送别):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpkrme2mCcI&feature=related

Enjoy the beautiful melody!

Invitation from American Art Institute

Summer Art Camp for Children and Adults at American Art Institute

475 El Camino Real, Millbrae, Suite 201 & 203, CA 94030

Website: www.aaisf.org

Tel: 415-672-2809; 415-813-8574

Classes offered (5/21/2012 - 8/17/2012):

Drawing and Sketching, Ballet, Chinese Dance, International Latin Dance, Drama, Children's Singing & Dance, Piano, Introductory Photography, Chinese & English Languages, etc.




一、暑期藝術班課程:5/21/2012 - 8/17/2012




上午課:$480 (9:00-12:00 PM)

下午課:$480 (1:30-4:30 PM)

全天課:$880 (9:00-5:00 PM)


上午課:$280 (9:00-12:00 PM)

下午課:$280 (1:30-4:30 PM)

全天課:$500 (9:00-5:00 PM)





E-mail: aaisfusa@gmail.com; admaai2012@gmail.com


地址:475 El Camino Real, Suite 201 & 203, Millbrae, CA 94030


學費在四月十五日之前付,有10% OFF

折扣;五月一日之前付,有5% OFF 折扣。


課程安排 (可按需要选择):



Art( Drawing, Sketching, Crafts) (Singing, Dance, Drama)

中文(听,说与讲故事)/ 英文 (口语与写作)

数学 (Mathematics)

(Chinese(Reading, Speaking & Story Telling)/English As Second


钢琴 (Piano) (按小时另收费)

芭蕾(Ballet) (按小时另收费)


Announcement by reader Randel Rambo:



SUMMER, 2012


Chinese Culture, Politics & Business Tour

(June 14-July 4)


Educational & Cultural Exchange

(July 4—August 6)


For the 25th time, Professor John Cheng will coordinate Chinese Culture Study Tour. The program will first stay at Peking University, the most prestigious institution of higher education in China and then will have field trips to various historical sites, cultural centers and modern business places around China from June 14 to July 4, 2012.



After the regular tour, participants can stay for another two-four weeks in China for educational and cultural exchange without extra charge from July 4 to August 6.



Tentative Cost: $1,965 (費用: 美金一千九百六十五元)


Tentative  Itinerary:  (行程)


USA—Beijing 北京 (Peking University, Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace)—Anyang 安陽 (the ancient capital of Shang Dynasty, 1818B.C-1154B.C.; famous ancient oracle bones and language museum)—Chiaoze 焦作 (gorgeous Mt. Yuntai and magnificent Hongshi Valley)—Zhengzhou 鄭州 (capital of Henan province)—Xian 西安 (ancient capital of China)—Ichuan 宜川 (Great Waterfall of the Yellow River)--Yenan 延安 (the headquarter of Red Army during the World War II and the cradle of Chinese Communist Revolution)—Chiaotou 橋頭 (Temple and Tomb of the Yellow Emperor, the father of China)—Xian 西安 (ancient capital of China; the world-famous terracotta warriors army)—Xinanjian 新安江 (New Peace River)--  Shanghai 上海  (business center of modern China)—USA


The cost includes: 1) bus, train and boat fares, 2) major field trips and entrance fees, 3) room (double occupancy), 4) major meals, 5) registration and service fees, and 6) tips.

費用包括: 1)汽車、火車及國內船費, 2)主要景點門票, 3)各地旅館的雙人房費, 4)主要餐費, 5)雜費, 6)小費


Educational and Cultural Exchange: Extra weeks without extra fees, July 4-August 6, 2012



In addition to the regular tour, participant can have educational and cultural exchange with high school students at Anyan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan or Xinganjian. Our people will teach Chinese students English and learn Chinese from them. Free room, meals and local transportation will be provided.



      April 15     Deposit, $500 (訂金)

      May 15,     Final payment, $1,465 (其餘費用)


For more information and application contact:


Prof. John Cheng

603 Kaanini Place, Hilo, HI 96720

      Tel: (808)-935-8436         


      Office Room: K-208, UHH  




地址: 603 Kaanini Place, Hilo, HI. 96720 U.S.A.

電話: (808) 935-8436





Application Form



Name (姓名): __________________________________________________________


Address (地址): ________________________________________________________






Telephone (電話): _______________________ (H) _________________________ (C)   



Email (電子郵件信箱): __________________________________________________



Education (學歷): ______________________________

Major (主修): _________________________________



Occupation (職業): ______________________________________



Sex (性別): Male (男性) ______   Female (女性) _______



Nationality (國籍): __________________________




SUMMER, 2012


Chinese Culture, Politics & Business Tour

(June 14-July 4)


Educational & Cultural Exchange

(July 4-August 6)


Tentative Schedule and Tentative Program 行程與活動項目


A. Chinese Culture, Politics & Business Tour (June 14 – July 4,  2012)

第一部分行程: 六月十四日到七月四日的「中國文化、政治與經貿之旅」


June 14 (Thursday) 六月十四日 (星期四)


          Departure from the United States or Taiwan to Beijing, China 飛往北京

          (You should arrange your own international fly)


June 15 (Friday) 六月十五日 (星期五)        


Arrive at Beijing飛抵北京

           Stay at Peking University until June 22 入住北京大學直到六月二十二日

           (Tel: 011-8610-6275-3689, 011-86-13671107221. Fax: 011-8610-6275-1671)


June 16 (Saturday) 六月十六日 (星期六)


          Morning: Free Time 上午: 自由活動


          Afternoon: 3:305:30 pm 下午3:30 – 5:30 pm

          Optional relaxation: Foot or body massage 自費活動參考:腳底按摩或全身按摩


          Evening: 6:30p.m. Dinner at Peking University 晚上6:30 pm 北京大學聚餐


June 17 (Sunday) 六月十七日 (星期日)


          Morning: Visit Christian Church or free time上午: 去教堂參加主日崇拜或自由活動


          Afternoon and Evening: 2:00 – 8:00 pm Shopping at the famous Silk Street Market

          下午到晚上: 秀水街購物


June 18 (Monday) 六月十八日 (星期一)


          Morning: 9:30 10:30 am 上午 9:30 10:30 am

                      Welcoming  reception 北京大學歡迎會

                      “Introducing Peking University” by Prof. Hsiucheng Zhang



                      10:40 11:40 am上午 10:40 11:40 am

                       “Chinese Culture, Politics & Business” by Prof. John Cheng



          Afternoon: 3:00 4:30 pm 下午 3:00 4:30 pm

                        Tour Peking University campus 參觀北京大學校園


          Evening: 6:30 pm Dinner at Peking University晚上6:30 pm 北京大學聚餐


June 19 (Tuesday) 六月十九日 (星期二)


          Whole day from 8:30 am Field trip to Forbidden City, Tienanmen Square and Temple of Heaven

          白天: 遊覽故宮、天安門及天壇


Evening: Enjoy Peking Opera (optional) 晚上: 自費活動參考 — 觀賞京劇              


June 20 (Wednesday) 六月二十日 (星期三)


          Whole day: Field trip to the Great Wall of China, Ming Tombs, Divine Path, Beijing Cloisonne Factory                     

                              and gift shop

          全天: 遊覽長城、明十三陵、 神道、景泰藍工廠及禮品店


June 21 (Thursday) 六月二十一日 (星期四)


          Morning: Field trip to Summer Palace 上午: 遊覽頤和園


          Afternoon: Free time/prepare to depart from Beijing to Anyang (the ancient capital of Shang Dynasty

                            (1818 B.C. 1154 B.C.) 下午: 自由活動


June 22 (Friday) 六月二十二日 (星期五)


          Morning : 10:00 am check out from Peking University  上午: 辦理北京大學退房手續


          Afternoon: Departure from Beijing to Anyang (Heaven of ancient oracle bones)

                             14:21 pm – 18:25 pm by Train D133

          下午: 搭乘14:21 pm 的火車 (D133)前往河南安陽,傍晚 18:25 pm抵達


           Evening: Stay at Anyang Hotel 晚上: 夜宿安陽


June 23 (Saturday) 六月二十三日 (星期六)


           Whole day: tour ancient oracle bones, early Chinese bone language, the largest bronze utensils, famous

                              Chinese female general memorial and Hsia-Shang museum

           全天: 參觀世界文化遺產「殷墟博物館」,這個商代都城遺址出土的著名文物包括:中國最早的




                              Visit the prison of King Wen, where he wrote the I-Ching (The Book of Change)

                              參觀中國歷史上的第一座監獄 — 周文王被囚而寫出「易經」的監獄


          Evening: Stay at Chiaoze Hotel晚上: 夜宿焦作


June 24 (Sunday) 六月二十四日 (星期日)


         Whole day: Tour scenic Mt. Yuntai, and enjoy beautiful, magnificent Hongshi Valley, Waterfalls,

                             springs and lakes. Xu Yizhen, a poet, wrote, “ I don’t know when a magic ax cleaves the

                             mountain into two, like a thread open between the wings of a Flying bird. The setting sun

                             shines over the mountain, which makes one unwilling to leave. I can’t help but turn around,

                             and linger on again.”

          全天: 遊覽雲台山風景區


                              Gorgeous cliffs, valleys, mountains and trees around 11 Mt. Yuntai scenic spots have been

                              the original place where Chinese landscape and garden culture  stepped Out of imperial

                              court and began to be enjoyed by folks. God’s created nature here is So charming that one

                              feels as if he is in the paradise of immortals.



          Evening: Stay at Zhengzhou (the birth place of the Yellow Emperor, First Chinese Patriarch, c. 2852

B.C.) 晚上: 夜宿鄭州


June 25 (Monday) 六月二十五日 (星期一)


          Morning: Departure from Zhengzhou to Xian (the ancient capital of China)

                          08:00 – 10:06 am by Train G2001

上午: 搭乘08:00 am 的火車 (G2001)前往西安,10:06 am抵達


          Afternoon: After lunch, tour the Great Yellow Sand Plateau and the Great Waterfalls of the Yellow


          下午: 遊覽中國最大的黃土分布區「黃土高原」及宜川的「黃河壺口瀑布」


          Evening: Stay at Ichuan Hotel 晚上: 夜宿宜川


June 26 (Tuesday) 六月二十六日 (星期二)


          Morning: Departure from Ichuan to Yenan (the cradle of Chinese Communist Revolution and the headquarter of Red Army during the second World War)

          上午: 出發前往延安


          Afternoon: Tour the camp of the Red Army, the office of Mao Zedong, the headquarter of Communist party and the museum of Communist revolutionary activities and artifacts

          下午: 參觀中國共產黨的革命聖地「寶塔山」、「延河大橋」、「楊家嶺」— 中共第七次全國

                    代表大會會址和老一輩革命家的故居、「棗園」— 延安時期的中南海、「王家坪」的       

「延安革命紀念館」及欣賞「陝北秧歌」的表演 — 當地最具代表性的大型群眾歌舞


          Evening: Stay at Yenan Hotel晚上: 夜宿延安



June 27 (Wednesday) 六月二十七日 (星期三)


          Morning: Departure from Yenan to Chiaotou 上午: 出發前往黃陵縣


          Afternoon: Tour the Temple and Tomb of the Yellow Emperor, the father of China

          下午: 遊覽「黃帝陵」和「軒轅廟」


          Evening: Stay at Xian 晚上: 夜宿西安


June 28 (Thursday) 六月十五日 (星期五)


          Morning: Free time上午: 自由活動


          Afternoon: Tour City Walls, Drum Tower, Bell Tower, Stone Tablets Forest and the first Christian


          下午: 遊覽明朝的城牆、「鐘樓」、「鼓樓」、「西安碑林博物館」— 收藏著記述唐代基督教



          Evening: Stay at Xian晚上: 夜宿西安


June 29 (Friday) 六月二十九日 (星期五)


          Whole day:After breakfast, field trip to the world-famous terracotta warriors army, and Huaqing

                             Pool (the bathhouse of Yang Kwei-hui, the most beautiful lady during the Tang Dynasty,

                             A.D. 618-907)

          全天: 遊覽「秦始皇兵馬俑博物館」和「華清池」


          Evening: Enjoy magnificent “Music and Dance of the Tang Dynasty” (optional). Stay at Xian Hotel

          晚上: 自費活動參考 — 觀賞唐朝歌舞表演。夜宿西安


June 30 (Saturday) 六月三十日 (星期六)


          Free time自由活動


July 1 (Sunday) 七月一日 (星期日)


         Daytime: Free time/prepare to depart from Xian to Shanghai上午: 自由活動


         Evening: Departure from Xian to Shanghai (the business center of modern China) by train

                        17:12-07:21by Train Z94 or 19:45-11:40 by Train T140

         傍晚: 搭乘火車前往上海

July 2 (Monday) 七月二日 (星期一)


          Morning:  arrive at Shanghai 上午: 抵達上海


          Afternoon: Field trip to the old center of Shanghai, the Temple of City Gods and old

                            Shanghai business district for shopping.

          下午: 遊覽「城隍廟一條街」、購物中心購物


          Evening: Tour the Huangpu River by boat and enjoy the beautiful new Shanghai.

                         Stay at Shanghai Hotel

          晚上: 搭乘黃浦江遊船欣賞上海外灘美麗的夜景。夜宿上海


July 3 (Tuesday) 七月三日 (星期二)


          Free time 自由活動


          Stay at Shanghai Hotel夜宿上海


July 4 (Wednesday) 七月四日 (星期三)


          Morning: Departure from Shanghai to the United States





B.  Educational & Cultural Exchange: extra bonus without extra charge

       (July 4 – August 6, 2012)   

第二部分行程: 月四日到八月六日的「教育及文化交流」


If you want, you can stay in China for two-to-six weeks without additional fees after the regular tour. You will participate in educational and cultural exchange with students at Anyang, Zhengzhou, Xian, Wuhan or Xianjian near Shanghai. During those days you will teach Chinese students English, and learn Chinese from them. Your room, meals and local transportation will be provided.



For more information and application contact:


Prof. John Cheng

603 Kaanini Place, Hilo, HI 96720

      Tel: (808)-935-8436         


      Office Room: K-208, UHH  




地址: 603 Kaanini Place, Hilo, HI. 96720 U.S.A.

電話: (808) 935-8436




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