04/01/2024 No. 202
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
March 1, 2012

In this publication, we offer 1) “Ideological and Cultural Influences of China on Korea and Japan (I) --- Another Chapter to Reading the Mirrors of History” by Cheng-li Lu; and 2) “Techo Political Socialization” by Danny H. Wang.


In the Music Section, we have the erhu music - Horse Racing played by Huifen Min (闵惠芬 赛马): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzD0E02ZF9c





People with Heart volunteer work


Who are “People with Heart”?

People with Heart” is a group of students of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi), which was formed in 2010 as a volunteer organization. The aim of “People with Heart” is to bring help and love to others in need. Volunteers take part in all the preparation work including setting up fund-raising activities, buying tickets, insurance and planning activities for children in the “Future Village” in Nepal. Volunteers can thereby earn experience in preparing activities, enhancing their communication skills and increasing their self-confidence. The joy of helping others is a rare experience.




Information about the “Future Village

The Future Village, a two-story cottage in local architectural style, is located on a hill at an altitude over 1000 meters in Katunge Village Ward 9 in Dhading District, 100 kilometers north of the Nepalese capital Kathmandu. The Village was founded in mid 2004 by a group of enthusiastic visitors from Hong Kong, who raised funds to build the cottage. The idea for the project originated from a Nepal expression: “N-Never, E-Ends, P-Peace, A-And, L-Love”. We hope that visitors can serve this "Kingdom of Mountain" while they are exploring the wonders of the landscape and the meaning of life during their trip.



2012 Planning of People with Heart

Volunteers will visit the Future Village from 31 March to 8 April 2012, bringing Funds. This will offer the children a better living and study environment. Also, volunteers will teach and play games with the children.


Please feel free to contact Terris if you are interested to support our programme, Thank you.


Terris Cheng

EMAIL: terrischeng@yahoo.com.hk






有心人是一班由香港專業教育學院 (青衣) 的學生,並在學生發展處的導師帶領下,於2010年組成的義工組織,目的是希望參加者能透過義工計劃,走出香港,將愛心、關懷帶到世界上需要的角落,傳續義工的精神,因愛是無分種族,無分界限。參加者需要由零開始著手籌備,如:舉行籌款活動、預備物資、設計義工服飾內容等,從籌備的工作至抵達當地後的義工服務,參加者可以學到籌備工作的經驗,團體合作的相處技巧,過程中也許會遇到的不曾有過的困難,但它們就是能義工成長的磨練使參加者有所得著和啟發。再者,義工服務中所得到的喜樂和滿足感,都是很大的收穫。這些經歷能讓參加者從中學習,更加認識自己,甚至有所突破、發掘潛能。



「未來之村」(Future Village)是一棟具有當地建築風格的兩層小屋,位於距離尼泊爾首都加得滿都以北100公里的達定山區(Dhading District)各棟志村落第九區(Katunge Villaage Ward9),海拔一千多米的小丘。小屋由一群熱心的旅客,尤其是來自香港的,於2004年中開始籌集資金興建。計劃的意念是: N-Never, E-end, P-Peace, A-and, L-Love」。http://future-village-nepal.org/



有心人將於3/31/2012 - 4/08/2012 到尼泊爾的未來之村把籌得的資金和物資帶給當地的小朋友,所籌得的資金將會用作重建校舍,改善他們的生活和學習環境。另外,會和他們進行小組教學與遊戲,把有心人的心意帶給他們。



EMAIL: terrischeng@yahoo.com.hk

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