07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
August 1, 2011

In this publication, we offer “The Significance of Neo-Confucianism to the Modernization of China and the Reconstruction of International Order” by Dr. Gau-Jeng Ju (Gaozheng Zhu); and 2) “Know Your Chinese Sister, Fellow Seattleites: Sister City Chongqing, That Is” by  Wendy Liu.   


Email from Reader Nathan Jones


My name is Nathan Jones and I have founded China's first American Football League in Chinese history, here in Beijing. We are working hard to develop this sport and use it as a platform for China-U.S. cultural exchange and to this end, we are looking for organizations willing to support our efforts.


We are open to any form of assistance from football equipment, coaching help, help promoting the China-U.S. Friendship Bowl, letters of support for our cause, or even looking into organizing an event for Chinese Football athletes to come and play in the U.S.


The biggest highlight of the next year will be the China-U.S. Friendship Bowl Game in which a U.S. college team will play a Chinese team in May 2012. We communicate closely with the NFL but are completely independently financed and organized. Our website at www.beijingguardians.com has more information and related media.


Best wishes,


Nathan Jones

+86 13911228593


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