04/01/2024 No. 202
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
April 1, 2010

In this publication, we offer 1) “French Quarterly ChinePlus Interviews China-U.S. Friendship Exchange President Sheng-Wei Wang on Sino-U.S. Relations” by Sheng-Wei Wang and Pierre Tiessen; and 2) “Chinese or American? Or Both?” by Amy Ku.


In the Music Section, we have the famous Serenade of Green Island (Taiwan) (绿岛小夜曲) by singer Tsai Chin (蔡琴).


Singer (歌手) Tsai Chin (蔡琴)
Lyric Writer (
作詞者)Pan Ying-Chieh (潘英傑
Composer (
作曲者)Chou Lan-Ping (周藍萍)


Lyrics in Chinese


這綠島像一隻船 在月夜裏搖呀搖
姑娘喲你已在我的 心海裏飄呀飄

讓我的歌聲隨那微風 吹開了你的窗簾

讓我的衷情隨那流水 不斷地向你傾訴

椰子樹的長影 掩不住我的情意

明媚的月光 更照亮了我的心

這綠島的夜 已經這樣沉寂

姑娘喲 你為什麼還是默默無語

椰子樹的長影 掩不住我的情意

明媚的月光 更照亮了我的心

這綠島的夜 已經這樣沉寂

姑娘喲 你為什麼還是默默無語


English Translation by Vienna Teng (史逸欣)

This green island, like a boat, sways and groans in the moonlight. Darling, you also float in the ocean of my heart. Let the melody of my song accompany the wind, breezing through your drawn curtains. Let my love go with the flowing water, my heart always pouring out to you. The palm tree's long shadow cannot hide my gentle love. The clear beauty of moonlight brings out the light of my heart. This green island night appears so peaceful. Darling, why do you go on silently, without words?


Background of the Lyrics






Serenade of Green Island (Taiwan) is a soft and gentle melody soothing the tired hearts of countless listeners, as if they could sleep in the quiet sea under the moonlight; the palm tree's long shadow slowly sways while the moonlight quietly shifts; ocean waves gently croon along the shore. The long shadow of the palm tree and the boat mentioned in the lyrics are very typical of Taiwan's coastal scenery, which is covered with greenery, especially in southern Taiwan's Kenting Park. On those white sand beaches, men and women in love lay bare their sentimental emotions.

Serenade of Green Island (Taiwan) in fact is the chant of the island of Taiwan. This song was composed in 1954 in Taiwan, and then quickly spread to Southeast Asia. After the 1980s, it became very popular in the mainland of China.

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