07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
January 1, 2010

Happy 2010! The financially torn 2009 is finally over.


In this publication, we offer 1) “Why Does the U.S. Dollar Continue to Slide?” by Gong Shengli; and 2) “Taking Care in the Flu Season” by Professor Peter C. Chieh.


Comment from T. S. Lo, in Taiwan


Thanks for sharing with me such a valuable article.


Editor’s Reply


You are welcome!


Comment from Allan Cheung


In this world we actually need each other to survive. China may be rising but I do not think that they should behave arrogantly. The size of its economy is still very small and fragile in comparison with the States. Its military is still in a very young stage (not that I think they should become aggressive and become a threat to the world). China should be proud of its achievements. But a little modesty will do no harm.


Editor’s Reply


Your comment is well noted. We wish that more Chinese people read your comment, be vigilant about where they stand in the world and show modesty. Thanks.


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