07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
September 1, 2009

In this publication, we offer you a long article which thoroughly examines the world monetary system and proposes an ultimate solution. The title is “Where Does the Supranational International Currency of Constant Value Come from? -- New Concept and Framework of the World Currency Primary” by Charley Fei (Shuiyu Fei) and Zhongjia Pang, respectively the President and the Chief Researcher of the Maxim Academy of International Economics and Sociology, USA.


The Landscapes and Cityscapes website www.lcscapes.com has new updates, which now cover several Chinese, US, South American and European sights. Wish you enjoy viewing them. 

As the summer is about to come to an end, the economy also seems to have bottomed out. Have peace and fun!

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