04/01/2024 No. 202
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
November 1, 2008

In this publication, we offer the articles “Religion: Letter to Sarah” by Julian Loui and “Indian Style” by Calvin Tatsey. We wish  that our minds can stay away from the current financial crisis for a little while.


Here is the website http://news.wenxuecity.com/messages/200810/news-gb2312-726037.html, which documents the story of the respectable Professor Randy Pausch who passed away on July 25, 2008. His courage touched upon us deeply; he wanted us to have enthusiasm about life and said death is not escapable, the most important thing is what we have done between life and death.


In the Photo Section, many thanks go to Huei-Mei Kao again for her collection of Xinjiang sceneries.


After a quiet or busy traveling summer, readers now find time to express their opinions or emotions as follows:


Letter from Lilee Chang Ma



Thank you for your articles. Attached is the photo for Chinese American Minority group event!


From the Editor


It is a great picture. Everyone seems so happy!


From James Clause


After reading Ravindra Kumar’s article The Current Black Sea Imbroglio: A Challenge to World Peace’ I have read now another interesting article Selling America and the Rest of the World Short, by Michael Levy. Both are interesting and worth giving a thought. Impartial and neutral people as such are the real peace-makers of the day.

I congratulate you for staring such a good and humane work.


From the Editor


Thank you very much for your interest and support.


Letter from Monica King


I'm with you!


We have trouble in both countries, but I am with We the People. My prayers are with all the innocents.  Send these articles out to all you know.

Peace.  May it prevail upon the Earth.


Sincerely, Monica King, CEO INEDA


You are cordially invited to check out this site for the International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency, a nonprofit, charitable nursing agency dedicated to global healing & health, the page is most easily seen at http://startpage.webineda.com while under revision...


From the Editor


Thank you Monica.


From HKBeaver


Thanks for providing a source of information for China-US Relationship.

During leisure time, I created site (Myblog) which documents some questions primarily focusing in Hong Kong in terms of Global Political Economy and Hong Kong (with initial focus on Hong Kong affairs covering financial, political parties and people side)




From the Editor


Your websites are now linked to www.ChinaUSFriendship.com.


From Prof. Dr. Paitoon Patyaiying, Thailand


I read the article by Dr. Ravindra Kumar an eminent scholar and writer from India on your China-US site on Black Sea with great interest. Indeed this article is very informative and worthy. It reflects scholar's understanding and shows role and importance of China and India in the international affairs.


Congratulations! I look forward to read many of such kinds of articles on your site by Dr. Ravindra Kumar, a respectable person of south and southeast Asia.


When I can expect Dr. Kumar's next article on your site?

With appreciation.


From the Editor


Thank you very much for your comment and interest.


I try to cover major issues that concern the China-U.S. relations. I would be happy to invite Dr. Kumar's participation in the future when topics of crucial importance come up again.


From Chincheng Chuang in Taiwan


His original email is in Chinese. We translated it into English as follows:


Responding to an article on www.ChinaUSFriendship.com:


Although my English needs to be strengthened, through the Chinese-translated version, I understand most of the contents and statements of your website. I have sorted my comments under the title: “Trend of the Future Economic Revolution – A Prediction”. 


The financial crisis of American International Group (AIG) triggered by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in the U.S. once again proves that human greed is unlimited. I do not agree with the 700 billion U.S. dollar rescue plan of the Bush government. While the corporate legal officers live an attractive and lavish life by exploiting the individual investors and while they extort by trick, have they ever thought about the possibility of karma falling upon them? The cause of the entire problem and another important factor, apart from greed, is over-optimism towards the future: the economic slump after the 9/11 event in 2001 was followed by expectations of prosperity on the strong consuming power of the 1.3 billion Chinese population in their preparation for the 2004 – 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. But at the time when I wrote the article “The Start of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre” (08/20/2008), I did not expect that the first dragon slain would be the American Empire. On the other hand, a few days later the incident of the tainted milk-powder in the mainland of China also compelled the whole world to reject the mainland’s contaminated products and exposed the nature of the Chinese communists. Following the end of the Beijing Olympic Games, all the global raw materials prices hit historical highs and then quickly fell to make corrections. The date (07/11/2008) when crude oil hit 147 U.S. dollar per barrel was right after I finished writing the article “The Realization of the Old Testament Prophesy”. Originally I did not want to write my article “Trend of the Future Economic Revolution – A Prediction”. But since I received your email, I am happy to share my thoughts on future economic trends and visions.  


God has been fair in creating the world: East Asia’s asset is agricultural products, the Middle East’s is oil, Europe’s is flowers, America’s is high-tech, and Africa’s is gold and diamond. The poorer the place is, the richer the natural minerals it has.  The world economy should have been shared by and distributed to all the mankind for co-prosperity and mutual help. This is why I say that human greed starts here. It was only going to be a matter of time for America’s serious financial deficit to lead to the country’s economic breakdown.  The present Iceland will soon become the first domino. A country could only print its world-circulated currency in an amount equivalent to its gold reserves and people find that, during this economic commodity price crisis, the price of gold still remains at a high level without falling. It is true that all of mankind at present and in the future acknowledges the “Gold Coin” Standard System, not the American dollar nor the Renminbi (After this serious financial crisis in the U.S., is it not strange to still let the American dollar be a strong currency? It is the result of artificial human manipulation behind the scenes). It is likely that the world currencies under the present American dollar accounting mechanism will eventually show their strengths and weaknesses to reflect their true values. Whichever nation owns more gold will become the stronger country. According to the Old Testament, King David made one of his sons Solomon the King of Israel: that Israel reached its historical height can be served as a proof. The most important value of gold is it shows attributes of God:   it never changes, never decays, can be tested by fire and lasts forever.


Many years ago, I heard about people who had experienced life in paradise and said that in paradise one can easily get gold pieces or gold bullion by hand. It really is true. The new thinking resulting from the collapse of the American government is that the necessity of having a world-wide unified government becomes more important. This world-wide unified government will own all the gold of mankind and then issue gold coins to circulate through the entire world and implement the core value of the God’s kingdom:  the arrival of God’s country of axiom*,  justice**, truth*** and peace****.


~~~Man-made things are futile and void. Only by relying on the soul of the Lord Almighty can we accomplish everything. ~~


Personally written by Chincheng Chuang

10/09/2008 04:32 AM



*The Gospel of Matthew – Egyptian Sphinx, the Public Hearing Hall (All national citizens age 20 and above who have the voting right can freely enter the hall to listen to political policy discussions and to negate policies decided by the Executive Yuan and even the President).

** The Gospel of Luke – Egypt Apollo, the Judicial Yuan (the highest judicial organ in Taiwan).

*** The Gospel of John – Human Face, Office of the President.

****The Gospel of Mark – Cattle Face, the Executive Yuan (the highest executive body in Taiwan).

Note: Please forgive that while I was responding to your email I have published the original Chinese version of this article on my personal website!






相信自美國雷曼兄弟倒閉所引發AIG財務危機再次證明人的貪婪無度,布希政府的7000億美元紓困方案我並不認同,當那群法人吃香喝辣坑殺散戶投資人的同時,他們富巧豪奪的同時可曾想過報應會降臨在他們身上?整個問題的始末除來自人的貪婪外, 另一重要因素是對前景過分樂觀2000911事件後全球經濟盪到谷底,而隨著2004以至2008年的北京奧運全球經濟榮景, 寄望中國13億人口的強大消費能力,但就在那時當下我寫了一篇文章「將展開倚天屠龍這戲幕 (2008/08/20)」沒想到屠龍第一刀就先落在美帝身上,但也隔沒幾日大陸毒牛奶事件迫使全世界拒絕大陸黑心貨也更看清中共的本質,隨著北京奧運的落幕所有全世界的原物料飆上歷史高點後急速修正回檔,我舉例石油飆上歷史高點的那天147美元/(2008/07/11), 恰也是我先寫完「舊約書預言的實現」後發生的,原本我想隱藏「未來經濟革命的趨勢預言」這篇心得不寫,恰巧我收到您來信也樂於在此分享未來經濟發展趨勢與願景。


天父創造宇宙天地是公平的:東亞的資產是農作物、中東產石油、歐洲產花卉、美國高科技、非洲的黃金鑽石,愈是貧瘠之地愈是豐富天然礦產,這世界的經濟原本該是全人類互助互榮相互流通有無才是,所以我才會說人類的貪婪緣由於此。美國嚴重的財政赤字導致國家金融破產是早晚的事,今日冰島已即將是第一張骨牌。原本你國家有多少的黃金庫存量才可印製多少在世界流通的等值貨幣,且 大家都發現在這段金融風暴商品中黃金怎會還維持高檔不墬,沒錯當今讓全人類承認且也是未來世界通用計價貨幣是"金幣",不再是美元(美國發生這麼嚴重的金融風暴讓美元變強勢貨幣不是很奇怪嗎?因為這是人為幕後的炒作結果。)更不是人民幣,會在現有的美元計價機制上讓世界各國逐步顯現各國幣值的強弱與反應真實該有的價位,因此誰擁有黃金量愈多此國的國幣就越強勢, 這在舊約大衛留給他的兒子所羅門造就以色列歷史是最顛峰可以得到印證。黃金最重要的價值是顯明我的天父我的神的屬性,永不改變永不變質禁得起火的試煉留存到永遠。


多年前我聽過有人經歷過天堂的人口中述說在天堂隨手一得就是金塊金條, 確實如此,未來美國政府的倒閉所引發的新思維是世界一統政府存在的必要性更重要,而這世界一統政府將擁有全人類的總黃金量,之後再發行金幣流通全世界且貫徹神之國的核心價值:公理(馬太福音-獅子面像,公廳院)、正義(路加福音-鷹面像,司法院)、真理(約翰福音-人面像,總統府)、和平(馬可福音-牛面像,行政院)之神國降臨。






                                  紀元八年10/09 AM 04: 32   http://groups.msn.com/0931690/_whatsnew.msnw?lc=1028


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