07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
October 1, 2008

In this publication, we offer the articles "The Current Black Sea Imbroglio:A Challenge to World Peace" by Dr. Ravindra Kumar and "Selling America and the Rest of the World Short" by Michael Levy. Each article, respectively, provides insight on currently jittering political and financial situation in the world.


In the Photo Section, please view the rarely seen sceneries in the Xinjiang Province of China. We thank Dr. Huei-Mei Kao for kindly made these photos available to us.


While many American people are facing a historically unprecedented financial crisis and the Chinese babies are hurt by the tainted milk, we urge both governments work out rescue plans to keep things in order and wish all of us stay calm and make the best out of these difficult situations.

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