07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
May 1, 2008

We continue our reports on Tibet and on the book, China's Ascendancy: Opportunity or Threat,  by presenting you with two articles: 1) "An Open Letter to The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives" written by One China Committee and China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc.; and 2) "New Book, China's Ascendancy: Opportunity or Threat? and Book Reviews (9-11)."


Have you noticed the beautiful daytime sceneries of Suzhou in the Photo Section? We wish you relax and enjoy viewing them.



Letters to the Editor


From Jim Glaser


Thank you very much for this informative article.

The suggestions in the article are powerful and need a wide distribution right now especially. This is a very sensitive time and how important to help all parties be open to one another. Thanks again.


From the Editor


Many thanks for your comments. The Tibet situation is improving and open dialogue between the representatives of the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities may achieve certain resolution to ease the current tension.



From Fang, Neng (DOH)


Thank you for your email. I strongly condemn Tibet rioters. I believe there are some anti-Chinese forces behind this riot. The disclosed facts showed they were organized, preplanned. From long term tracing I think the so-called policy on minorities, religion and human right needs to be reviewed. Why [do] we need [to] take Lenin's policy of autonomy as the foundation? It is completely wrong. It is the root of separatism. If a minority [can] be autonomized, should the majority which becomes a minority in the area be autonomous? 


From the Editor


Your email is published in this Section for more readers to share your viewpoint. You raise a very fundamental question: Why separate a united nation into autonomous regions while integration can bring much progress. Thanks.



From Michael Levy


Thank you


In Love and Joy
Michael Levy

"Before a person can be found they need to realize they are lost." - Michael Levy

Over the waves of the Internet, turbulent oceans of the mind may develop tranquil thoughts ... at


From the Editor


Your words are full of wisdom. Thanks.



From Aaron Dengler




I am hoping you can help me locate more information about Benjamin Sun, Erhu artist, featured in your web site. Specifically, where one might purchase CDs of his music.


Thank you very much.


From the Editor


Please contact his manager Myriam Chen, myriamchen@comcast.net, in San Francisco Chinatown. Good luck.



From Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. 


The Beijing Olympics: Shame on the thugs who disrupted the running of the Olympic Torch. America/England have waged an illegal war against Iraq, and are responsible for the murder and maiming of over 600,000 people. No one in America or England has the moral right to protest against China. Only a very few people support the demonstrators and their shameful behavior.  The vast majority of the people of America support the Olympics, and admire and respect the Chinese people.  The thugs who disrupted the running of the torch, who tried to steal it from the arms of a crippled Chinese confined to a wheel chair, behaved like cowards and lack the courage of those Chinese who, in 1989, stood in front of tanks and gave their lives for freedom and democracy. I have nothing but admiration for the Chinese people, and I would have gladly defended that young woman, I would gladly carry the torch, and I would be proud and honored to attend the Beijing Olympics, and most Americans feel the same way. I feel nothing but sadness and am very sorry about the horrible, dishonorable conduct of the demonstrators.  The Beijing Olympics will be the greatest Olympics of all Time, and a Free, Democratic China is destined to become the greatest nation of all time. The majority of Americans and the people of the West salute you and wish nothing but success for the people of China and the Beijing Olympics


May we all live in peace and prosperity. 


From the Editor


Many thanks for your strong support and true friendship for China at this difficult moment. China is the first developing country to host the Olympic Games after Mexico in the 1960s. China has never denied improving her human rights record, but to boycott the torch relays in such a barbaric and violent manner defies the Olympic spirit of uniting mankind together for a better world. It is not a way to be encouraged for expressing political views.


The China-U.S. Friendship Exchange, Inc. is set up to encourage active exchanges for a better mutual understanding of the two countries. With hard work and sincere efforts, we will be able to overcome many difficult barriers including the current Tibet crisis.


We thank you and all the friendly Americans and Chinese for giving us a helping hand along this tortuous path.

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