07/01/2024 No. 205
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
December 1, 2007

First I sincerely apologize to one of our readers who sent in his comment on the article "The Globalization You Do Not Know About." His comment was deleted by mistake at the website back stage and did not appear on the website. Our website management team will pay extra attention in the future on handling incoming comments to avoid the recurrence of such a mistake.


In this publication, we conclude the article "Stopping a Nuclear Arms Race between America and China, Part (III)," and thank Professor Hugh White for making his very important article available for publication on our website.  In addition, we are publishing another article "Indispensable Review of the Policy toward Taipei" by Litai Xue, a Research Associate at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC).  His in-depth analysis would shed light on the cross-Strait political situation and help the Taiwanese people make a wise decision for the 2008 legislative and presidential elections on January 12 and March 22, respectively. Most importantly, he wants the voters not to support Chen Shui-bian's UN bid using the name of Taiwan. It seems that the time is ripe for a political power transformation in Taiwan back to the hands of the Nationalists or Kuomintang (KMT).

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