05/01/2024 No. 203
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
August 1, 2014

In this publication, we offer 1) “China unfettered: redefining the rules of the seas” by Lee Kuan Yew; and 2) “Washington observation: U.S. antagonizing both Russia and China has made them move closer” by Donghui Yu.


In the Music Section, we have “Dances of the Youths” (《青春舞曲》):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCg3LGK8Mv4; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LViyPjafRNs




The Chinese Culture and Arts Exchange Association Successfully Conducts the Asian International Simplified Cooking Seminar


The Chinese Culture and Arts Exchange Association (CCAEA) recently conducted its third cultural and arts exchange program since its inception in February of this year.  The event known as the “Asian International Simplified Cooking Seminar” was held at the Culture Center Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (CCTECRO) in Gaithersburg, Maryland.  Over a hundred people attended this event despite it being held over the July 4th holiday weekend.


After everyone was seated, the association’s public relations committee chairperson, Grace Gao, introduced the CCAEA president, Grace Chiou, a certified sushi chef, to demonstrate various cooking and preparation techniques for simplified Japanese cuisine during the seminar.  After the demonstrations, president Chiou invited attendees to participate in preparing Japanese dishes under her guidance.  Afterwards, the participants were rewarded with eating their own creations. The dishes included sashimi, tempura, various sushi rolls, and eel rice.


During the demonstrations, president Chiou explained the health benefits of Japanese cuisine for young and old alike, and emphasized the importance of using fresh ingredients and maintaining proper sanitation in handling and storing food.  Attendees were entertained and impressed with the skilled knife work in cutting the raw fish and creative arrangement into intricate floral patterns.  In the entertaining environment, participants enthusiastically created their own versions of various rolls.  President Chiou invited every attendee to take home a box of California Rolls, much to their delight.



Our special condolences to Dr. Lester Lee’s family

Dr. Lester Lee (李心培), the first ever Chinese appointed to the Board of Regents of the University of California, passed away at age of 81 at his home on March 20, 2014, due to sudden breathing difficulties. We are much saddened by this delayed news here in Hong Kong, while remaining grateful for his great contributions made to the Chinese community including his recent valuable article “A Tale of two Democracies” published on our website www.ChinaUSFriendship.com (February 1, 2013). Our latest email communication with him was on February 4, 2014, about Hong Kong’s latest development with the mainland of China. He was as sharp and insightful as he had always been.

He is survived by his wife Helen Lee, three daughters, Kathleen, Maryann and Caroline Lee, and son, Michael Lee.

He will live in our hearts for a long time!


Dr. Lester H. Lee was one of the old timers in Silicon Valley. He went to America 50 years ago after finishing high school in China. He was a graduate of the University of Illinois and settled in Silicon Valley after getting his Ph. D. from Stanford University. He was president of Recortec, Inc., a company he started 30 years ago. Recortec is now the oldest Chinese owned hi-tech company. Dr. Lee was also the founder and past president of a number of prominent Chinese hi-tech organizations such as CIE, the Chinese Institute of Engineers, AAMA, the Asian American Manufacturers Association, and MJ, the Monte-Jade Technology Association. He was extremely active in the Chinese community. He and his wife Helen were major supporters of all Chinese political candidates in America. He himself was the first ever Chinese appointed to the Board of Regents of the University of California, the governing body of the 9 campus system. Back in the year 2000, he founded and served as the first chairperson of the Northern California Chinese for Peaceful Unification (CPU-NC). Before he passed away, he and his wife Helen resided in Saratoga, CA.


李心培博士是資深矽谷企業家,祖籍湖南,四八年中學畢業後來美,先在伊利諾大學專修機械工程,六五年在史丹佛大學拿到博士學位,在舊金山矽谷居住將近五十年.他在七零年成立的錄高特公司目前是華人在矽谷最早成立的高科技公司.李博士工餘亦多參與社區活動, 八零年代與科技界同仁創立中國工程師協會,亞美製造商協會,玉山科技協會,擔任創會理事及理事長職務,九三年任首位加州大學華裔校董,2000年出任北加州和平統一促進會創會會長.

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