05/01/2024 No. 203
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By Sheng-Wei Wang
April 1, 2008

While Beijing is preparing the Olympic Games in earnest, the Lhasa unrest which started on 3/14 startled the world. We publish "Tibet Unrest" by renowned journalist and writer Frank Ching for further understanding of the situation. Is the Dalai Lama behind this unrest? What roles have the Western powers played? What kind of challenge is China facing? Click the following links and read Frank Ching's article to learn more:


"Eyewitnesses Recount Terrifying Day in Tibet," http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/26/AR2008032603275.html?hpid=topnews









We announce here the publication of my "must read" new book China's Ascendancy: Opportunity or Threat? and the first 8 book reviews it received. We also wish you enjoy "A Roadmap for Improved Sino-U.S. Relations and Global Stability in the 21st Century," which is adapted from the audio file produced and provided by Francis Steffan, which recorded my interview by the hosts of The Dr. Gianni Hayes' Radio Show on 02/27/2008 9:00 - 10:00 PM EST (broadcast on www.theamericanvoice.com).


Finally, the spring has arrived: have you noticed the beautiful Suzhou evenings in the Photo Section? To get a magnified image, just click on the picture. These photos are the first set of many that will reveal the mystery of this 2,500 year-old Chinese city near Tai Lake.


A "Must Read" Book



China's Ascendancy: Opportunity or Threat?

By Sheng-Wei Wang



Praise by Createspace.com


Definitely a "must read" book! With interdisciplinary training and multicultural background, the author is well-placed to present this important thought-provoking and comprehensive volume on how China's ascendancy and adaptation to the American and Western world order has created the conditions for a peaceful transition towards geopolitical equilibrium rather than conflict. It is the first in the English literature to decisively refute the "China Threat" theory with new breakthrough insights and a wealth of data.




China's Ascendancy: Opportunity or Threat?

List Price: $24.95.

Books can be purchased directly from any English bookstores or on-line from

Amazon E-Store https://www.createspace.com/3339581 or




Letters to the Editor


From Andrew Evans


I love getting the monthly update of the website in my inbox. As the National Chairman of the American Centrist Party (www.americancentristparty.net) I am very concerned and interested in Sino-American Relations. Keep up the good work on the website, the articles are very thought provoking. Thanks




Andrew Evans-National Chairman

American Centrist Party


From the Editor


Thank you very much for your support. Your website www.americancentristparty.net is now linked to our website for interested readers.



#2 From Panos Mourdoukoutas, Ph.D., Professor of Economics


Thank you for your e-mails.
On March 28, I'm organizing a small conference on the U.S. and the World Economies, at Long Island University in Brookville New York. I do have speakers for all regions except for China. Can you help me find a speaker for this event? Let me know. Thanks.

From the Editor


There have been several email communications with Professor Mourdoukoutas trying to arrange speakers from China. We wish him great success with this conference.



#3 From Diane (forwarding email on [chinasociety] Conference Information)


Call for Papers

Overseas Young Chinese Forum 10th Annual meeting

"Globalization and Nationalism across the Taiwan Strait"


Globalization and nationalism are the two most important economic and socio-political developments of our times. Among other things, they have led to political tensions, economic conflicts and social instability in every region of the world.  We would like to examine such forces, and the associated tensions and conflicts, in the context of the cross-Strait relations between mainland China and Taiwan. As both sides try to enhance their competitive positions in the world and enlarge their economic, political and even cultural spaces in the global village, tides of nationalism are threatening to bring disasters to the region. 


Our conference, which will be held in the vicinity of Stanford University on May 24 -26, 2008 in the wake of 2008 Taiwan election and before the Olympics in Beijing, aims to bring students, scholars, officials and other working professionals from Taiwan, mainland China and the US for a constructive conversation over the complex forms, dynamics, consequences and implications of globalization and nationalism in East Asia, especially as they pertain to the cross-Strait relations between mainland China and Taiwan.

The conference welcomes papers from all the disciplines in social science including (but not limited to) history, political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, area studies, cultural studies, international relations, geography. We are particularly interested in the works addressing the following (but not limited to the following) themes:


1.      Taiwanese identity, Chinese identity, ethnic and national identity in Taiwan and Mainland China;

2.      Taiwan Independence Movement, party politics, electoral politics and democracy in Taiwan;

3.      Patriotism and all kinds of nationalisms such as ethnic, economic, civic, state and internet nationalism across the Strait;

4.      Impacts of globalization in economic, political and cultural fields across the Strait;

5.      Relations between globalization and nationalism across the Strait;

6.      Cross-Strait relations in the context of globalization and nationalism;

7.      Conflicts and possible resolutions between Taiwan and Mainland China in the context of globalization and nationalism;

8.      Comparisons between economic, political, cultural (e.g. media)  and civil society (e.g. social movements, NGOs) systems across the Strait in the context of globalization and nationalism;

9.      Roles of significant world powers such as the U.S. and Japan in cross-strait relations;

10.  Findings from all kinds of public opinion surveys in Taiwan and Mainland China, such as China General Social Survey, Taiwan Social Change Survey, Asian Barometer Survey, World Values Survey, and so on.


The conference will be bilingual with both English and Chinese papers and presenters. Participants are encouraged to self-finance their travel and accommodation. The conference may provide relevant documents to assist applicants in applying for financial aids from their home institutes or other sources. For those accepted panelists including presenters and discussants who are unable to self-fund the conference travel and accommodation, the conference has limited fund to reimburse their expenses according to the meeting organizer, Overseas Young Chinese Forum's reimbursement policies. Please indicate in the submission email if you will be self-funded or need the conference's reimbursement.  In previous conferences, one book with selected conference papers has been published in Hong Kong, and another one is in the process of publication in mainland China. We have a publication plan for this year's conference papers as well.

Please submit your proposal (double-spaced, no more than 2 pages), or the completed paper with a 200-300 words abstract, in English or Chinese, and a brief cv to callforpapers@oycf.org by March 20, 2008. The admission decision will be made by April 20, 2008.


For information on the conference organizer, Overseas Young Chinese Forum, please visit http://oycf.org


10th Annual Conference Committee

Overseas Young Chinese Forum



From the Editor


http://oycf.org is now linked to this website.

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